walkable Neighbourhood

Healthy sustainable growth is the norm in a ConnectedCity, but it is not possible to build everywhere. To protect the countryside and prevent sprawl the presumption in favour of sustainable development is only in the 1km radius circles around stations where everyone has easy access to frequent or on-demand public transport. These areas are Walkable Neighbourhoods.

Weather protected routes (shown in yellow) provide safe and comfortable walking and cycling to all key destinations, especially public transport.

Canopies are self funding by using transparent PV glass to generate electricity for street lighting. Click for info

Vision from 2050 - Walkability

15 Minute Neighbourhoods are designed so that within them walking is first choice of transport because it is simple and comfortable. Walkers and cyclists don’t have to encounter general traffic if they do not want to, and are always in safe ‘defensible space’ which is overlooked by residents.

Walking is comfortable in all weathers because protected walkways run everywhere, ensuring that rain or shine it is easy and comfortable to move around. These glazed canopies incorporate photo voltaic cells which pay for their installation and also provide street lighting and cctv. Many collect and harvest rainwater, and some incorporate wind turbines which reduce air turbulence.

The walkways are pedestrian priority, but are shared by walkers, bicycles and ‘small traffic’ – buggies and compact smart town cars.

Nowhere is ever more than 10 -12 mins walk from station or 5 mins from shops and services, and the longer stretches of journey are made quicker and easier by moving walkways. Protected canopies also run alongside roads and cover all parking areas. They lead to the walkways and pedestrian priority street crossings.

Nearer to the station the walkways become covered streets and malls, and the centre of every pedshed is either a pedestrian precinct with overall glazed roof or canopies witihin an exisitng street pattern.

The Neighbourhood Centre is 100% pedestrianised with access only for service vehicles. Futher from the station is a Mixed Use zone which is still pedestrianised, but with access for service vehicles, taxis and residents’ car club vehicles only.

The outer part of a neighbourhood has Villages into which the small traffic walkways extend. Their streets are Home Zones in which normal traffic has access but they are shared surfaces on the understanding that pedestrians have priority.

The main vehcle route through the town does not pass through the centre, but links the villages. On these High Streets are local shops, schools, and other amenities, all of which are also served by the protected walkways.


Mixed Use
